In the Middle of the Middle East
A long history of religious, cultural, economic, political, and sovereign rights.
Background of the conflict
- Ancient rivalry between Abraham’s sons Isaac and Ishmael
- Jews are given the Canaanite land by God circa 1250 BCE.
- Assyrians (722 BCE) Babylonians (586 BCE) conquer the land
- Rome annexes into its empire-138 BCE. Jews were sent into exile and were without a country for centuries.
- Dome of the Rock was established on the site of the old Jewish temple. circa 700 AD
- Various kingdoms vie for control until the Ottoman Empire from 1516 to post-WWI.
- Mass migration of European Jews into Palestine in the early 1900s.
- Jews and Arabs live in relative harmony for centuries.
- 1948 Establishment of the nation of Israel with help from the United Nations
- 700,000 Palestinians were expelled and became refugees.
- Palestinians are now restricted to certain areas of the new Israel.
- Continued conflict as rights to the land continues up to the present-day Hezbollah war.
Israel and the United States
- Support for Israel to defend itself.
- Truman’s support as a strong military buffer to the Soviet Union’s expansion
- Impact of the defense of the flow of oil, mainly through the Suez Canal
- The economic impact on the U.S.
- Foreign aid-largest recipient of US aid.
- The political influence of Israel via contributions.
- Religious affiliation of end-times prophecy.
Why it matters as we navigate life
- Religious
- Relational
- Points of view
- Economic
- Global
- Conflict
- Grudges
- The Land
- Sense of justice
- Politics
- Entitlement